We're raising the first generation of "digital natives" and we have a challenge in front of us.

But instead of becoming overwhelmed, throwing up our hands, and giving up... we need to intentionally dive in and choose to raise tech-smart and social media-smart kids!

In this Mini-Course, you'll find interviews as well as several of the very best resources for you to turn to as you need them over the coming years, including:

  • Access to an interview with Sissy Goff, the Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries and author of "Taming the Technology Monster"
  • A technology contract to use with your child(ren)
  • A lengthy technology resource list with books, filters and accountability software
  • A PDF of Bible verses for wisdom in using social media (perfect to print and put by a family computer)
  • A resource list of recommended (positive) Instagram accounts for teens
  • A resource to help you determine if your child(ren) may have a video game addiction (with additional resources to help if so)
  • Access to an interview with my son Josiah about social media from his young teens to adulthood (this is a good one to share with your kids)
  • Additional downloads to help you raise tech-smart and social media-smart kids

Watch the Welcome Video below to get a taste for the Mini-Course:

The Raising Tech-Smart Kids Mini-Course is only available for purchase a few times a year.

The great news is, because this is a self-paced Mini-Course, you do not have to rush through the content. Once you purchase, every piece of the Mini-Course is yours to dig into whenever it works well for you. My goal is that after you work through the Mini-Course, you'll be well-equipped and less stressed.